Fast, Convenient Scrap Metal Collections in Dorking | AMB Metal Recycling Ltd

One question we often receive from Leatherhead clients, especially those who haven’t had occasion to make use of a scrap yard or scrap metal merchant before, is: “what’s the difference between ferrous and non ferrous metals?” As the go-to scrap metal recycling option for the area, the AMB team has looked to explain the key differences below. But if you’re more interested in arranging metal collections, cut right to the chase by calling 01306 735 557.

The Difference Between Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metals

Ferrous Metals – The term ferrous is etymologically routed in the Latin for an iron compound. This category includes steel, cast iron and wrought iron. They’re magnetic and famed for their thermal conductivity, strength and durability. This sees them used for all sorts of different applications, from the manufacture of electrical appliances, machines ,tools and vehicles, to all sorts of construction activities going on around Leatherhead. The level of use means they’re commonly encountered and in high demand, a tag team that makes them a valuable commodity in the world of scrap metal recycling.

A scrap yard or scrap metal merchant, when grading and weighing ferrous metals, keeps an eye out for the presence of rust and corrosion, which can be an issue especially with metals that haven’t been anodized to improve resistance to the elements. While more common and typically less valuable than non ferrous metals, we certainly still recommend individuals and companies around Leatherhead contact us to arrange metal collections should they have a quantity of steel, cast iron etc. that they’re looking to sell to a local scrap yard or scrap metal merchant.

Non Ferrous Metals – Metal not containing iron is a broad category. It includes things like brass, aluminium, copper and bronze – in addition to platinum, gold and silver, which are also a vital part of the scrap metal recycling trade, as many people don’t realise! Non ferrous metals are more resistant to corrosion and rust, which is why they are such popular choices for wiring, roofing, guttering and pipelines.

As they can be continuously recycled, they’re always in demand at scrap yards and scrap metal merchants around Leatherhead, such as AMB Metal Recycling. Lighter, malleable – the positive characteristics go on and on, and this explains the high price they can fetch. So if you have a quantity to hand, why not give us a call to arrange metal collections, as and when convenient for you?

To arrange metal collections in the Leatherhead area, call your friendly local scrap yard and scrap metal merchant, AMB Metal Recycling, on 01306 735 557.